Non Anesthetic & Ultrasonic
Teeth Cleaning for Dogs & Cats
Locations throughout Southern California & South Florida
(800) 718-8597
Established in 2002, Smile Specialist offers a safe alternative to provide oral care for your pet without the use of general anesthesia. The procedure is kind and gentle and your pet remains alert and comfortable throughout the fifteen minute procedure. Dental hygiene is as important for your pet as it is for you and cleaning your pet's teeth is vital to their health. Poor oral hygiene has been linked to internal disorders, as well as heart kidney and liver diseases. Most pets require a cleaning every six months.
Why is Smile Specialist veterinary supervised?
Teeth cleaning is a medical procedure and California state law requires the presence and supervision of a licensed veterinarian during the process of teeth cleaning. Many grooming shops and pet businesses offer "Anesthesia-Free teeth cleaning" but have NO veterinarian present. They cannot properly assess or address your pet's oral condition or needs. Not only are they risking your pet's safety and violating state requirements, the teeth cleaners typically use a hand scraping tool, which provides a "Clean Look" but its simply cosmetic. To compound the superficial results, hand scrapers damage the enamel creating a rough surface on the tooth which will eventually attract more tartar.
Smile Specialist provides a legal, safe, effective and low cost alternative. We use a state of the art ultrasonic machine which is the same instrument used in most veterinary offices during traditional anesthetic cleanings.
Our veterinarian examines your pet prior to the cleaning in order to gain knowledge about the general health of your pet. There are no costly blood tests. You will not be paying for anesthesia because Smile Specialist does not put your pet under anesthesia! Most pets are very cooperative during our technique. If for some rare reason your pet is not a candidate, there is a $25 vet exam fee to you. We have provided our services to thousands of animals and feel confident that you will be very pleased with our result.

Smile Specialist has many clinic locations throughout the greater Los Angeles area as well as in SW & South Florida. Call (800) 718-8597